27 April 2012

I don't know if anyone ever read this, but I wanted to post. I started this to keep updated on what we were dealing with being so far away from our families and to help me deal with yet another deployment. Once he returned from his last tour, I kind of put off doing anything else with this blog:( We are currently starting deployment number 4. This time to a new place for all of us, but also for a shorter time so maybe that will make the time a little easier. Being apart from the unit is making things a lot harder then what I had thought they would be. While I am happy about all the families that have their soldiers home or about to come home, it is hard knowing that there are not others starting the same deployment as me right now. So it has almost been harder. Guess it does not help that I have been a single parent since the end of July either, but it's really tough. We are all hanging in there as best we can. Both girls are doing well with daddy being away but miss him greatly. Trinity has started making all kinds of pictures for himi and wants to call him all the time. When he does get a chance to call, she does not want to talk to him much:) She is such a silly girl. So I will try to update with pictures and any info I get of Richard during this time for anyone that might actually read this. If not then it will be just for me to keep track of things going on for him to read when he gets home.

25 December 2008

Merry Christmas!

Just want to wish everyone that might actually read this a Merry Christmas. We got our gift early with Richard's arrive home so we had a wonderful day. I will try to post pictures this weekend of the home coming as well as of Christmas.

God Bless,

16 November 2008

Quick update

Wow it has been awhile since I last posted anything. I have tried putting recent pictures up, but for some reason the computer is not recognizing my camera so I will have to try again later to put new ones up. So to update, things are going well. We are under 100 days!!!!!!!! So needless to say we are ALL excited to get to see our soldier again.

The girls had fun on Halloween. We were able to walk around with our friends so that made it so much fun. Trinity was Thumper and Zoey was a disco girl. They were both so cute. They both got a lot of candy and we are still eating it. Now we only have to get past the birthdays and it is on to Thanksgiving. We will most likely be hanging out at our friends' house for the day so it will be fun for everyone.

Trinity is looking forward to her birthday party at Chuck E Cheese and of course can't wait to open her gifts. Hopefully I can get the camera and computer to cooperate to put some pictures up for everyone. Then it is on to Zoey's big day. In only one short week I will be the mother of a 10 year old! I can't get over how big they are both getting. I had their pictures taken yesterday and when Zoey got hers done I cried. Something about seeing her with a "10" behind her just got to me. She is looking so grown up all of a sudden. Okay before I start crying again, Zoey is having her party after Thanksgiving so I will post pictures of that later as well. They are both doing really well and are ready for daddy to be home with us again.

So I will end for now with a final note, Richard is doing well and has started the return process for their return. We look forward to seeing him in under 3 months!

Love to all,

19 September 2008

Something exciting!!!

Well there is not really anything new to report as of right now, but I did want to post that something exciting happened this week for us. Zoey got glasses!!!! Okay so not earth shattering news, but exciting for us:) She has actually been asking for them for a few years now (for those that have them already know they are not THAT exciting, but hey she thought they would be cool) and at her eye exam Monday we found out she would be getting them. She picked out the cutest pair and she is really excited to have them. We were able to pick them up yesterday so she wore them to school for the first time today. I thought you might enjoy seeing her in her new specs:)

This is her self portrait from after we ordered them. You can see how excited she is to be getting them:)

Here is the one I took of her. She looks so cute.

Thought I would also post some more pictures that were taken recently of the girls. Things are going well. We have about five months to go before the unit returns so if we can just make it through the holidays we will be good! Our friends from Germany are in the area now so we are excited to have them nearby. Zoey was so happy to have her friend around again.

Trinity and her baby watching Dora on TV.

Zoey and her best friend, Haley

Waiting for Trinity's ballet class to start

Here is our new puppy as well. We ended up trading Buddy for Ivory because he was a little hyper for our family and we all sort of fell in love with Ivory the minute we saw her when we went to visit Buddy. We were able to bring Ivory home after we returned back from our trip. She is a white Cocker Spaniel/Poodle mix. She is the sweetest thing ever and has no worries what so ever.
She was sleeping on Trinity's bed during nap time:)

We wish everyone a wonderful weekend.

Naomi and girls:)

01 September 2008

Our Trip to Indiana

Okay so I am finally able to post some pictures from our trip. It was really nice getting to see everyone and while we hate leaving, it is great being back in our own home again. This will just be a picture post so hope you enjoy.

Nothing like a fun game of Twister with her cousin Sophie

Playing with grandpa's phone

The mom-to-be enjoying her shower


Samantha, Cindy, Sandy, and Sam

Trinity and Samantha playing with the purse

Playing at the pool

Trinity getting her hair wet

Tanner and Trinity

Steph, Andrew, and Zoey

My beautiful baby girl

Fun with the go kart

Trinity, Clayton, Chase, and Zoey

There are a ton more pictures, but I am sure you do not want to be bored by my posting all of them so I will stop here. Hope you enjoy them:)

Back to school time!!!!!

Well I am now the parent of a 4th grader and I am really not sure what to think of that. Zoey does not seem old enough to be in 4th grade yet!!! We had a nice trip back from Indiana and made it back in time to meet the teacher at school. Zoey has a really nice teacher and I think they will be a good match for school this year.

Does she look excited or what?

Getting her desk ready. She was getting tired of me taking pictures of her by now:)

My babies before school

School so far is going well and after today Zoey will be able to see her best friend Haley again! She is so excited. I will post pictures as soon as we have a chance to visit with them.

26 July 2008

July 2008

I have been terrible with updating this, but things have been crazy busy. We are currently in IN visiting family and friends. We are loving this trip and hope it does not go too fast:) I will have to post pictures when we get back to TX as I have no pictures on this computer to post any. I will have tons to add when we get back home though.

Things are going well for all of us. Richard is working a different job now and seems to be doing okay with it. He is "stationary" more now so I am thankful for that. He seems to be okay with this new job although I am sure he does not always like staying inside. Zoey will be starting the 4th grade on August 25th and will get to see her best friend Haley in September!! We are all very excited to see our friends from Germany again. Trinity is doing well and has enjoyed having her big sister home all the time since summer school ended. She absolutely loves hanging out with her sister:) I am doing better. There have been tough days for me, but of course I have managed to stay strong through them and have gotten better.

I will do my best to post again before we leave IN, but not sure if I will have time again:) I will post pictures next month when we get back home.
